The following is a guideline of what immunizations will be given at each well child visit:
- Birth: Hep B #1
- 1 Month: Hep B #2
- 2 Months: Pentacel (DTap, HiB, IPV), Prevnar, Rotateq
- 4 Months: Pentacel (DTap, HiB, IPV), Prevnar, Rotateq
- 6 Months: Pentacel (DTap, HiB, IPV), Prevnar, Rotateq
- 9 Months: Hep B #3
- 12 Months: Prevnar
- 15 Months: Dtap, MMR #1, Varivax #1
- 18 Months-2 years: Hep A #1
- 3 Years - 4 Years: Varivax #2, Hep A #2
- 4 Years: Dtap, IPV, MMR
- 11 Years: Adacel, Menactra, Gardasil
Check with your doctor or nurse to make sure your baby is receiving all vaccinations on schedule. Many times the vaccines are combined to reduce the number of injections. Be sure you ask for a record card with the dates of your baby's vaccinations; bring this with you to every visit.
Here's a list of the diseases your baby will be protected against:
HepB: hepatitis B, a serious liver disease
DtaP: Diptheria, tetanus (lockjaw), and pertussis (whooping cough)
PCV: pneumococcal conjugate vaccine protects against a serious blood, lung, and brain infection
Hib: Haemophilus influenza type b, a serious brain, throat, and blood infection
Polio: polio, a serious paralyzing disease
Rv: rotavirus infection, a serious diarrheal disease
Influenza: a serious lung infection
MMR: measles, mumps, and rubella
HepA: hepatitis A, a serious liver disease
Chickenpox: also called varicella
Flu: All children between the ages of 6 and 59 months should receive vaccination for influenza in the fall of each year. First-time vaccines should receive 2 doses, separated by at least 4 weeks.
Children between the ages of 11 to 19 also need to be vaccinated against serious diseases. Many people think they are done with their vaccinations by that age but there are millions of people between the ages of 11 and 19 who need vaccinations to prevent whooping cough, tetanus, diptheria, hepatits B, hepatits A, chickenpox, measles, mumps, ruebella, polio, influenza, meningococcal disease, pneumococcal disease, and human papillomavirus infection.
Hepatitis B (Hep B) You need a series of doses of hepatitis B vaccine if you have not already received them
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Check with your healthcare provider to make sure you've had two doses of MMR